Common information
High-tech integrated training system
Interactive oil production workbench
Интерактивный полигон-макет нефтедобычи
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Interactive models of oil pumping station
Interactive models for gas trunklines
Интерактивный полигон-макет магистрального транспорта газа
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Interactive «Compressor NTs-25 DKS»
Interactive «Engine DU – 80 L1»
Interactive «GPA – 25 DU»
Интерактивный макет «ГПА – 25 ДУ»
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Interactive test models for gas trunklines (3D)
3D полигон-макет магистрального транспорта газа
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3D model of oil pumping station
3D модель нефтеперекачивающей станции
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3D model of gas compressor station
3D модель компрессорного цеха
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Laboratory stand “Self-flowing outflow of oil products from railway tanks”
Лабораторный стенд «Самотечное истечение нефтепродуктов из железнодорожных цистерн»
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Gravity flow section
Operator training simulator
Computer training complex of the operators of the booster compressor station (DKS) and the installation of gas preparation for de-ethanization
Компьютерный тренажерный комплекс операторов дожимной компрессорной станции (ДКС) и установки подготовки газов деэтанизации
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Hydrogasdynamics simulation software – DMPipe
DMPipe-Oil модуль для моделирования магистрального транспорта нефти
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Gas trunk pipeline simulator
Data entry screen overview
Gas trunk pipeline simulator
Unit protection – flare failure and emergency shutdown of gas compressor unit No. 2
Gas trunk pipeline simulator
Unit protection – flare failure at start of unit and emergency shutdown of gas compressor unit No.1
Gas trunk pipeline simulator
Unit protection – excessive vibration of high pressure chamber and emergency shutdown of gas compressor unit No. 2
Gas trunk pipeline simulator
Automatic start of gas compressor unit No. 2
Gas trunk pipeline simulator
Normal shutdown of gas compressor unit No. 2 without gas bleeding
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