Interactive complex simulation model (ICSM) – gas transport trunk pipeline
This ICSM is intended to help trainees involved in the technology of gas transport along trunk pipelines:
- acquire theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills;
- acquire and master practical skills to carry out switching operations in the gas trunk pipeline sections;
- learn the automated gas trunk pipeline technology;
- develop practical skills to do gas-and-fire hazardous work on and around gas trunk pipelines.
The ICSM consists of the following main components:
- Unit 1. Compressor station (workshop with a gas-turbine drive);
- Unit 2. Gas trunk pipeline linear section;
- Unit 3. Gas distribution station and facility for gas delivery to the customer;
- Unit 4. Gas and fire hazardous work on and around gas trunk pipelines;
- Unit 5. Compressor station (workshop with an aircraft or boat engine drive).
The ICSM, accurately and exactly representing the technological site, should have necessary and obligatory elements, i.e. dynamically changing illumination of the technological process components as well as moving fluids and devices launched into the pipeline which imitate the process flow dynamics.
The process flow mathematical model is used to control the operation of the entire dynamic part of the ICSM model. The gas-dynamic model makes real-time calculations for the pressure, flow rate and temperature values throughout the whole length of the pipeline system.
In its turn, the technological process is controlled from the touch-screen control panel. Such a design of the ICSM complete with the control panel guarantees that trainees are sure to take interest in the on-going process and it also allows them to join in controlling the process and to change parameters in the process operating conditions. In general terms, the control panel screen is the operator’s simplified workstation that works according to this principle – “press the button and get the result”. The panel allows to view and send to a large screen (via a projection unit) the 3D process model, PowerPoint presentations and the process flow control panel itself (with the options to switch on and off the process flow equipment and to change parameters in the operating conditions).
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