Laboratory stand “Gravity-flowing outflow of oil products from railway tanks”


The stand is designed to train students in order to obtain the following skills:

  • calculating the time of oil products gravity flow from railway tanks under barometric pressure in the tank boiler for open and closed drain options;
  • calculating the time of petroleum products gravity flow from railway tanks under overpressure in the tank boiler for open and closed drain options;
  • obtaining data to build the Q-H characteristics of the pump;
  • obtaining data for building Q-H characteristics of the process pipeline;
  • construction of a combined Q-H characteristic “pump – pipeline”;
  • determining the mode of fluid discharge from the tank;
  • research performance.


Trainer’s AWS shall be connected to the stand. It controls the equipment of the stand and collects data. Trainer’s AWS is a server. Data collection, storage and display is carried out in the DMPipe software.

The total length of pipelines placed on the stand (from the pump exit to the entrance to the railway tank along a linear section) is at least 12 m. The pump is controlled using frequency control using the control panel (CP).

Лабораторный стенд «Самотечное истечение нефтепродуктов из железнодорожных цистерн»

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